Dayanand Sai Painkra, Pratap Toppo, Pratap Singh Rathiya, Lalji Singh, Vinay Kumar Samadhiya and RR Saxena
The study evaluates the “Quality parameters of potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) and soil health under peach-based agroforestry system in northern hills zone of Chhattisgarh”. The investigation was conducted during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 rabi seasons at the Potato and Temperate Fruit Research Station in Mainpat. Two production systems were examined: S1 involved sole potato cultivation, while S2 involved peach intercropped with potato. Five potato varieties were used: Kufri Sinduri (V1), Kufri Lalit (V2), Kufri Arun (V3), Lady Rosseta (V4), and Kufri Khyati (V5). Results indicated that the Peach + potato system (S2) consistently exhibited higher dry matter, starch, carbohydrate, and protein content compared to the Sole potato system (S1) during the two-year investigation. Kufri Sinduri (V1) had the highest dry matter and starch content among the potato varieties, while Lady Rosseta (V4) had the lowest. The interaction effect of production system and crop varieties showed varying significance levels across the attributes.The agroforestry system, with shade from peach trees, proved more suitable for certain varieties, particularly S2V1, resulting in higher dry matter, starch, carbohydrate, and protein content.
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