Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Dr. Vishal Gupta, Dr. Ajeet Singh and Dr. Suresh Yadav
Introduction: Reduced lung function in diabetes has been described in various researches but its clinical importance is not yet clear. Pulmonary complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) have been poorly studied. Moreover, the duration of DM and glycemic control have varied impact on the pulmonary functions. Thus, we aimed to study the pulmonary function test abnormalities and observe its association with duration of DM and glycosylated hemoglobin.
Aims and Objectives: The study was undertaken to analyze the pulmonary function parameters in diabetic patients and compare it with age and gender matched healthy subjects and correlated forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in diabetic patients with duration of the disease and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c).
Materials and Methods: Hospital based cross-sectional study in department of Medicine SMS Medical College Jaipur. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were recorded in 66 type 2 diabetic patients and 66 normal healthy control.
Results: The mean FVC was significantly lower in Diabetes patients as compared to control subjects. The mean FVC was 74.09±5.56 in Diabetic category whereas mean FVC was 95.45±2.07 in control category. Similarly mean FEV1 was significantly lower in Diabetes patients as compared to control subjects. The mean FEV1 was 77.04±7.60 in Diabetic category whereas mean FEV1 was 88.82±5.30 in control category. There was negative correlation observed between glycemic control and duration of Diabetes with PFT i.e. PFT decreases with increment in HBA1C, or increased duration of DM.
Conclusion: The pulmonary parameters are effected in patients of Diabetes and we should monitor PFT in these patients for better management.
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