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International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A (2022)

Formulation and evaluation of transdermal patches of nitrendipine eudragit RLPO and RSPO using rate controlling polymers


Yashoda and Sunita Sonartiya


This study aims at formulation evaluation of Nitrendipine transdermal patch to mitigate the hypertension. In total six formulations of transdermal patch were prepared and they are evaluated for various parameters. The thickness of patch ranged from 89±2 to 98±6 µm. The folding endurance was observed to be extended from 178±5 to 225±7. The % moisture content was varied from 5.12±0.22 to 5.69±0.32% while the moisture uptake ranged from 3.12±0.32 to 3.96±0.23%. Additionally the tensile strength was estimated as 0.45±0.03 to 0.58±0.03 kg/cm2. The % drug content was found to be maximum for F2 formulation which is about 99.12±0.23% and lowest in case of F1 formulation which is about 96.65±0.15%. The in vitro % Drug Release was noticed to be 99.45% in F1 and F6 formulation. Although the % drug release is better for F1 and F6 the F2 formulation considered to be more superior and ideal by comparing between above mentioned parameters.

Pages: 52-56  |  206 Views  63 Downloads

International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science
How to cite this article:
Yashoda and Sunita Sonartiya. Formulation and evaluation of transdermal patches of nitrendipine eudragit RLPO and RSPO using rate controlling polymers. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 2022;4(2):52-56. DOI: 10.33545/26647222.2022.v4.i2a.88