Chaudhari Akanksha Daulat and Dr. Dukre Tushar Pradip
Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. (Wt) belonging to the family Apocynaceae is a small deciduous tree founds in central and peninsular India. The plant is used in the treatment of jundice, seizures, wounds, leukaemia, gynaecological disorders, toothache, headache, dandruff, diarrhea and skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, scabies etc. It is mainly distributed in India, Australia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Timor, Views. Wt is described as tikta, kashaya, rooksha, sita and katu. The toxicological profile shows this plant to be safe and tolerable which substantiates its usage as traditional medicine in for anticancer activity along with other broad indications including in snake and scorpion bites, renal complications and menstrual disorders. The present study was carried out to analyse the seed oil of Wrightia tinctoria and W. arborea by GC-MS technique. Till date, there is avoid in comprehensive knowledge on Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. A thorough literature survey was done on all aspects and the available information was collected via electronic search which roughly covers literature from 1960 to 2012. The aim of this review is to provide comprehensive information on the phytoconstituents, toxicological profile, General aspects of cultivation wt harvesting, role of medicine and serve as a common platform for further scientific research.
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